Tuesday, June 9, 2015

It's been a while since I wrote on my blog and with my crazy busy life I sort of forgot I even had one! So I think its about time that I write a new post. I thought the funnest thing to share would be about my pregnancy so far and just share what has been going on and how fun the adventure has been these past 25 weeks!

I can't believe it, but I am 5 and a half months along and I'm so excited that in just 3 and a half short months I will be holding my beautiful daughter in my arms. To begin, I couldn't even believe it when I got that positive pregnancy test and after trying for almost a year to get a little one here, I felt very blessed when I saw the word "pregnant" on the test. All I wanted was to get into the doctor and see our baby on an ultrasound because I knew it would feel a lot more real at that point. 2 weeks later we got to see our very little baby (looking like just a white dot) and although there wasn't much to see, I couldn't believe she was really in there! Caden had no idea what was what and thought the black circle was the baby, which really confused him until I explained that our baby was the little white dot inside the black. He was pretty disappointed because he didn't realize just how small she was! He was very excited though to know that there was visual evidence that I was pregnant. Below is the first ultrasound we had (done at about 6 weeks), where you can see the tiny white in the lower right of the black.

The first couple of months were kind of stressful because I didn't know what to expect and any pain or ache I had always seemed to bring lots of concern and worst-case-scenarios. I just didn't know what my body should be going through, but obviously everything was normal and fine! I had plenty of morning sickness and thankfully that seemed to subside soon after I reached the second trimester. We got another ultrasound at about 8 weeks and again Caden didn't know what to expect and was disappointed because he thought that our baby would then really look like a baby! This is what he saw:

I learned at this point I should probably tell him what to expect at each appointment!.. Ooops!
But finally, 5 weeks later he got exactly what he wanted to see- something that finally looked like a baby:

 We loved this ultrasound! It felt so real at this point and we were so excited to hear that everything was developing as it should and seeing the little heartbeat was the most adorable thing ever! As the next few weeks passed before we found out what we were having, my belly started to grow a little bit each week and I got to feel her little kicks for the first time at about 18 weeks. Caden could feel her about a week later! She is a total wiggle worm and constantly moving. It is our nightly routine to watch my belly go crazy as she moves all over the place. 
Anyways, our next appointment would be to find out the gender and after she finally decided to quit moving so much we heard the words we had pretty much totally expected - "Looks like you are having a little girl!" We had suspected this and we just looked at each other and high-fived! Caden is already so in love with his little girl and so am I! It has been so exciting (and addicting) to shop for her and I'm pretty sure by the time she is here, she is going to have more clothes than me! We can't wait to meet her and feel beyond blessed to become parents to our sweet little girl!:) Here are some more fun pictures: 

Her sucking her thumb at the gender appointment: 

Me at 21 weeks pregnant (I haven't gotten around to an updated baby bump pic) 

And her cute little legs: 

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